Keep track of all your important future events as well as of those in the past; count the seconds, minutes, days, weeks, months, and years until the next or since the last milestone in your life is what Date Time Counter offers to do for you, both efficiently and attractively.
The program’s main interface is neatly divided into two panels – in the upper panel, you will see all your reminders for future events, while those that already took place will appear in the lower panel. The presentation is very similar, and both types of events will show a constantly-updated count of the years, days, and seconds left to future events or elapsed since those in the past happened.
Both the appearance and the data to be displayed are fully configurable. You can create labels to categorize your events (exams, anniversaries, birthdays, etc.) and apply a different appearance to each label, thus giving all the events in a given category a specific look and feel that will help you spot them quickly in the program’s interface. As for the events themselves, they will appear as colored boxes in either the top or the bottom panel. You can personalize them with your favorite colors and with all the countdowns of your choice, including all seven of them, ranging from years to seconds. They can be set to refresh every X seconds.
The program offers you the possibility of browsing all your events in a Table view. All you past and future events will be listed here together with the label they belong to, the type, the date and time, and the years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds to or from the event. Here you can also export all your events data to file, delete them in batches, or simply locate a specific event quickly using the search engine provided. This could also be a great place where to make changes quickly and effectively, both on selected batches of events or on individual items, but, sadly, the Table view lacks all editing properties.
If counting time and seeing time flying by is what makes you happy, this is a tool for you. Unlike other time-tracking utilities, Date Time Counter won’t issue any reminders of any upcoming event so that you don’t forget it, but it will help you to be informed at all times, with a second precision if you wish, of how far or how close it is, either in the future or in the past.
- Seven countdowns - from years to seconds
- Customizable event appearance
- Categorize your events with custom labels
- Two-panel intuitive interface
- No editing functions in Table view
- Does not issue reminders for future events